Today is the eve of the most unconventional Christmas of my life. I am away from my family, but Iโve celebrated Christmas away from (my parental) home before. I am in New Zealand, and therefore in the 30 degree Celsius summer heat of the southern hemisphere, but new as that is for me, it isnโt what is making this Christmas so unconventional.
That I am at a nudist gay farm as a volunteer worker, now that ranks quite high on my strange-o-meter. I will write about this queer (in both senses of the word) place, but not yet. Stay tuned.
Today, all I want to say is Merry Christmas to you, dear reader, and a big thank you for your continued interest in The Modern Nomad. Your ongoing support is the best Christmas present that I could ever wish for. I canโt adequately describe how much I value every e-mail, comment and shared article.
So Merry Christmas, wherever you are. I hope you get to spend it with the ones you love in blissful Christmas spirit.
And while I am at it, Happy New Year too!
With Christmas Love,
Gustav Andersson,
Your friendly nomad, hitching a ride with Santa from country to country.
you continue to amaze me with your varied experiences. this one makes me smile so thank you as a smile is always a wonderful present. Merry Christmas to you and peace and many wonderful adventures in the new year.
Hello Gustav.
I hope you have a great Christmas. We are all thinking about you.
Hey Gustav, I saw you where in Takaka. Your picture looks like Golden Beach; am I right? I didn’t know there was a gay nudist colony there. (Where is the rest of Santa’s outfit?) But you are tantalizingly close to Farewell Spit. Could you possibly go there? I would be humbled if you actually went there, and intimidated by it living up to the hype I have given it.
Every Christmas is strange at my house, each one more so than the last. I chose a more normal Christmas, like for example,this year I’ll be flying between Beijing and Paris via North America. I’m evolving into Santa himself.
Hi Gustav,
So glad to hear from you and wish you a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy enjoy where you are, and have a very Happy and Healthy New Year!
xoxoxo Robin Joy
Ho cubed = Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas Gustav.Wishing you nothing but happiness and new adventures!
Hi Gustav,
I am sure that with your broad outlook you will fit in – and make the most of any situation.
Enjoy your visit to our relatively unpolluted southern hemisphere and lets hope you stick around for a good sampling of the varied experiences that NZ and Australia offer.
Ive had conventional Christmases, but spent my 25th birthday travelling through Communist East Berlin where my Lambretta scooter (bought in London) drew fascinated crowds and the attention of every cop whom I honked much to the horror of my worried passenger.
I enjoy your site and have recommended it to friends…
Cheers & Seasons Greetings!
Merry christmas dude.
Kartik, India
Merry xmas! I hope Jesus Claus brings you new dreams for inspiration in the quest for geo independent utopia.
In the North
Merry Christmas Gustav,
Thanks for the present mate, you really didnt have to – ill make sure the game gets some use! Weather was stinking hot here in Christchurch for Xmas day – hopefully wasnt too much for everyone out on the farm … or that you at least had some interesting people to spend it with ๐
Hopefully catch you back in Auckland in for the new year
Cheers, Woody
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas Gusty. I wish you a very happy new year, and look forward to catching up when you’re in Europe.
In response to your question Gusty, this is what we got up to for New Year’s Eve/Day.
Alex and myself met up with Dan at the flat. We ate pizza and had drinks; I brought a bottle of champagne. We then walked down to the Thames to see the fireworks from Tower Bridge, but the ‘Shard’ blocked our view. Alex suggested a promenade, and while we were doing that Dan remembered that he had been invited to a party.
We made our way to the street where his friend lived via Google maps, then Dan revealed to us that he didn’t have a flat number for the address. The night could of ended there, but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I guessed at what was the most likely block the friend lived in (I chose the one that looked the most gay and refined). I looked up and saw some fairy lights dangling from a balcony, and thought that looked gay too, so I decided to press what I thought to be the top floor buzzer. Alex and Dan were clucking like hens!
Like magic the door opened, as I was convincing the pair that in life it’s best to be bold. We entered still not knowing what door number the party was actually at, or even sure if we were in the right building.
After taking the lift to the top floor we knocked on flat 22 (which was what I buzzed) again accompanied by more clucking from Alex and Dan. No joy, so we thought we should listen out for music. Alex heard some at flat 19.
I pressed the buzzer 6 times (with frantic clucking by the boys) until the door was opened. It was opened and I asked if Dan’s friend lived there, he didn’t, but we were invited in anyway so we gate crashed the party! We were given wine and nibbles and started having a great time. It transpired that Dan’s friend lived next door, so we went there too. Dan hardly knew the man, so when that party ended, we went back to the original party we gate crashed, and stayed there till 4 am. Alex even spoke to a girl he liked. Great fun was had by all. I crashed back at Alex’s flat, then myself and Alex played tennis in the morning. We then spent the afternoon with his mum walking the dog around the docks, then went to an Italian restaurant, and then came back to eat a wonderful cake Alex’s mum made.
What a great start to 2013!
What did you do, and did you have any clothes on? ๐
This x-mas must be the strangest becuse it was whitout you brother.
For the one ho think i am lazy and dont whrite so much on Gustavs blogg it is becuse it is easyer to cal him att skype.
Sorry i ment my brother not you brother ๐