Nomadtopia Interview

7 November 2014. Filed under category Personal.
Click to hear the interview.

Click the image to hear the interview.

I met Amy Scott of Nomadtopia in Buenos Aires, 2012. She is a fellow nomad and runs the Nomadtopia blog. Recently, she’s started the Nomadtopia Podcast where she interviews nomads about their lives. One of those interviewees is yours truly. Here is the rough outline of the interview.

My favourite part is when we discuss my secondary mission statement “To inspire people to actively choose how to live their lives, and to make that choice with bravery and passion.” That bit starts at 45m and 40s into the show.

So what are you waiting for? Head over there and check it out!

Hating your voice

I, like most people, hate to hear my own voice in a recording. I was considering burying the interview and never tell anyone about it, but figured I’m probably being paranoid. Why is it that we can’t stand hearing ourselves?

Travel Updates

I’ve been in Rio for little over a week now. Settling in quite nice here, 2 minutes from the beach. But, I’ve been working a lot, so only been to the beach once, which is shameful. I promise to do better.

This site is expensive to maintain. Instead of defacing it with ugly ads (yuk!), I invite you, dear reader, to donate what you think this site is worth. Choose between (the monetary equivalence of) the below fine products! If you wish, I will add you to the Donation Wall as a thank you. You can also support the site by sharing it with your friends.
AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Keep that pointer away from me! Keep it away from me I tell you! Don't you know I have a severe phobia of pointers from my early day of programming! I'm staying in this safe garbage collector until you take it away!
  1. I travel all over the world. Without proper protection, the collected STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) might morph into an SSTI (Sentient STI), a self-aware and intelligent super bug that would leave planet earth populated only by SSTI zombies and nuns. A packet of condoms ($10) could save us all.* One-time donation of $10 USD.
  2. Players of Monkey Island know that rubber chickens are essential when fighting undead pirates, and it is only a matter of time before I run into one of those. You don't want me defensless and have my brains eaten by zombie pirates, do you? $20 should be enough to arm me with a rubber chicken.* One-time donation of $20 USD.
  3. Nomads have to get good at blending into whatever country they visit. You don't want to stick out. And no one is better at masquerading and changing appearances than Lady Gaga. For a mere $50, you can buy me a full Lady Gaga makeover with which I can disguise myself in foreign lands.* One-time donation of $50 USD.
  4. As a blogger, I am far too well aquainted with writer's block. It's a bitch to get through. What I need is a Portal Gun! It'd cut right through the block and improve my writing speed. (I never played Portal, but think I got it right.) I found one for $100 on eBay. Hurry! Such a bargain won't last long!* One-time donation of $100 USD.
  5. Eventually, every traveller needs to bribe an offical or two. You can help! You decide how much to give. The greater the donation, the graver crime I can get away with. And I promise, if you scratch my back now, then I'll scratch yours as soon as I become Queen Bitch of the Universe. * One-time donation of an amount of your choosing. (USD)
  6. It takes me on average two days to write an article for The Modern Nomad, and I need at least 10 cups of coffee a day to keep me going. For $5/month, you'll help keep the caffeine flowing, and with it, the articles will follow!* Recurring donation of $5 USD per month. You can cancel it at any time.
  7. I own the alethiometer a.k.a. the golden compass! I was told that with it, I would never be lost. Sounded great being a nomad, but it keeps breaking. The three three dials never point towards north for long. So I keep having to buy spare parts. Gets expensive. A $10/month donation should cover it.* Recurring donation of $10 USD per month. You can cancel it at any time.
  8. I'm a friend of Hermes, Greek god of travellers and tricksters. (We met at a piss-up in Elyseum.) I want to buy his winged sandals, but Hermes refuses each offer. "Not enough," he says. If you donate $20/month, then eventually he must say yes! Imagine the travel articles I could write with winged sandals!* Recurring donation of $20 USD per month. You can cancel it at any time.
  9. Inspired by Doctor Who, I've decided to build a tardis. Imagine the articles I could write if I could travel in both time and space in a 1960s-style London police box! If you donate $40 per month, I will zapp back in time and prevent a horrible childhood trauma of your choice! Imagine the money you'll save on therapy!* Recurring donation of $40 USD per month. You can cancel it at any time.

What did you think of the interview?

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